How to Delete Or Remove Google+ From Your Google Account - itsolution168



Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to Delete Or Remove Google+ From Your Google Account

For people who are using Gmail or other Google’s services, you will need a Google account to sign in. Google has centralized for all Google services in one Google account. Google+ is a social network service from Google that integrated with other Google services, such as Gmail, Google Maps and Google Calendar. Google+ will make use of the Google search engine, existing Google Profiles, and the +1 button.

How to Delete Google+ From Your Google Account

If you decide to use Google services but want to deactivate Google+, here the simple tricks as a workaround to deactivate Google+ social network service from Google account.

  1. Frist, sign in to your Google account and click the profile icon at the top right of the window.
    Note: Small window will pop up with a link to your profile and options to sign out, manage privacy, as well as your account settings page.

  2. Simply click “Account” on the pop up window to proceed.

  3. In new window, there will have many different options and settings to your Google profile. Go to the “Data Tools” tab and look for “Account management”.
    Delete Google+ Account

  4. Click the ‘Delete Google+ profile and features’ link.
    How to Delete Or Remove Google+ From Your Google Account

  5. Delete confirmation page will appear. Go over the details before delete your Google Profile and make sure you know what type of data will remove.
    Delete Or Remove Google+ From Your Google Account

  6. After going through all the information, scroll down and check the box next to “Required: Yes, I understand that deleting the Google profile”, and click “Remove selected services”.
    Remove Google+ From Your Google Account
    Note: There also have optionally on ‘Also unfollow me from anyone I am following in other Google products’.

  7. Once done all step above, Google will remove your Google+ profile from Google account.

Source from

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