Cogi – Notes & Voice Recorder (The Best Voice Recording App for Android) - itsolution168



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cogi – Notes & Voice Recorder (The Best Voice Recording App for Android)

Sometimes you may want to record voice for capturing a new idea or record interview on smartphone, a great voice recorder app is essential. Cogi is a tiny voice recording application for Android operating system that able to record high-quality audio and capture the important parts of conversations.

Cogi – Notes & Voice Recorder (The Best Voice Recording App for Android)

With Cogi, user can simply record the voice to easily store as audio clips, and then search and retrieve the audio clips which highlight as important when user needs them. Users can tap the Highlight button and Cogi will mark that time as important. Cogi has been featured with the option for users to record and add tags to voice notes that enables audio clips easy to search later. Users also can add people from phone address book to the notes.

Features of Cogi Notes & Voice Recorder:

  • Simple tap-to-record and tap-to-pause interface lets you record the main points.

  • Can be set to always listen without recording.

  • Can record endlessly, till you run out of phone storage.

  • Rewinds 5, 15, 30 or 45 seconds from the time you tap, so you capture what was said before you tapped.

  • Share recordings via Dropbox, Google Drive, Evernote, and email.

  • Write notes while recording.

  • Take photographs while recording.

  • Add tags and contacts to an audio file for easy reference.

  • Can record while screen is turned off, or while you use some other app.

Cogi will run in background when users first tap start new session, tap again the screen to highlight the interest part. The highlighted audio clip will also include the last 5, 15, 30 or 45 seconds of audio before tap, depend in the app settings. Besides that, Cogi also built-in camera app that let users capture the note for play back reference.

Download Cogi Notes & Voice Recorder app for Android from Google Play Store.

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